"What, you didn't play until [insert level X or time requirement here]?!?! Then you didn't experience the game!"
You know what, let me say it straight. I'm sick and tired of hearing that line. Completely sick of it. I played your game, it was bad. And you want to know why it was bad? Let me tell you, in full detail, why it was bad, and let me go on to tell all of you why "it gets better in time" is a really, really lame line.
Games should be fun from the moment you open their application. There shouldn't be this need to "slog through the tough stuff to get to the good part." I said in one of my articles long ago, "Endgame should start at level one," and I feel that perhaps I need to clarify that statement. All of your fun should not be hidden away in your game or stuck at the end -- it should be present in the design regardless of level, time played, or any other arbitrary unit of measurement.
Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you should be doing these huge raids at level 1, nor am I saying you should put all of your great stuff in the beginning and leave the rest of your game barren. (Variety is the spice of life, after all.) What I am saying is that I should feel that I'm enjoying myself, no matter the activity.
If I'm killing 10 more rats, I should feel that these 10 rats are worth it. I shouldn't be off wondering why I'm killing 10 more rats, or attempting to set up a macro to avoid killing 10 more rats, or telling other people, "Hey, if you kill these 10 rats, the game gets way better after that."