5 Minute MMORPG is a free, fast-paced, action-packed, kind-of-but-not-really massively multiplayeronline role-playing game, played in the comfort of your own browser.
It's everything you want from an MMORPG, in just five minutes:
* Over thirty playable characters * Level to 80, in less than five minutes! * Tons of loot * Simulated lag! Control your avatar in the future!! * Hot PvP action * Rich, detailed fantasy world, with procedurally-generated lore
Enjoy grind-free gameplay in a hectic competition to be crowned as the most powerful, lag-free player on the server. Did we mention that the game is free?
Have you played Five Minute MMORPG? A new project by the Copenhagen Game Collective boils down the basic elements of an MMORPG into a simple Flash game, with a few twists. In Five Minute MMORPG, you create and name your character, level up (0-80 in five minutes! Woohoo!), and do battle against both computer and other players.
KESA (Killer 73.33%, Explorer 60.00%, Socializer 46.67%, Achiever 20.00%) The dead are likely dull fellows, full of tedious complaints – 'the ground's too cold, my gravestone should be larger, why does he get more worms than I do...' - "Dolorous" Edd Tollett